This is where you find yourself, in your practice, in your breath.

Balancing Breath

In a fast-paced world full of demands and distractions, it is easy to take things for granted. We lose sight of what’s important. We want to relax and often don’t know how to do so. We may not even truly know what it is that we need.

Balancing Breath offers yoga, meditation, and breath work classes to help you be more present in your own life. These practices are intended to develop a calm mind, whether you are boosting energy in an active class, relaxing in a restorative class, or focusing during meditation. The skills can be taken off of your mat (or chair) and into your life. Our community of practice supports your learning and well-being, bringing together diverse teachers, students, and opportunities in a welcoming, inclusive studio.

Being mindful means paying attention to this very moment, and doing so without judgment. Come as you are, always. Learn how being mindful and present can sharpen your focus, build confidence, and help you be more in tune with what’s important to you. Every breath is an opportunity for connecting to right now—to find balance, insight, and wisdom.

Be with us. Breathe with us.

Come join us.