Our circles.

What is a circle?

We value every voice. Balancing Breath is a community of practice that embodies a respect for sharing, learning, and listening. Circles are free events for clients and community members to come together—to breathe together—and to bring ideas, information, and feedback full circle.

We live in a time where technology both broadens our reach, linking us to more people, and at the same time, dulls the depth of our connections. There is a sweet spot, and our in-person conversations are time for all of us to talk about yoga and mindfulness topics, together.

Be heard. Be present. Join us for a circle.

Join us.

We will host circles each month at Balancing Breath. Our teachers have lots of topics we want to bring to our clients and the community. We also want to know what you want to learn about and share. Let us know if you’ve got an idea you’d like to bring full circle with us!