Our Classes

  • Yoga.

    Our yoga classes span all levels and abilities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our certified teachers will guide you through classes to help you explore your curiosities and build confidence. Our schedule includes active (power, vinyasa, etc.) and relaxing (yin, restorative) classes, as well as a few that are both gentle and energizing (gentle flow). Any class can be practiced on a mat or in a chair, and we do have classes that are specifically focused on a seated practice (chair yoga). We have 30-minute and 1-hour options. We provide a welcoming and non-judgmental environment, where you can take time for yourself and connect with like-minded individuals. Individual class descriptions are in the schedule.

  • Breath Work.

    Learning techniques of controlled breathing can bring a new dimension to your practice—and to your life. Although breath work is included in yoga and meditation practice, our breath work classes specifically focus on conscious breathing. We offer classes that explore pranayama, or breath work developed and used in yoga, as well as techniques grounded in more scientific principles. The skills you learn can impact your energy, benefit your emotions, and enhance your well-being. Whether you are looking to relax, calm, or boost your energy, breathing practices are a tool you can take into your life to help you find the space between a spontaneous reaction and a thoughtful response.

  • Meditation.

    Too often we are thinking, so much so that we may wind up thinking about our thinking! Thoughts become a whirlwind of to-do lists, wants, wishes, needs, notes, numbers—so much! Our meditation classes are where you learn to develop calmer mind. We focus on guided mediation practices, like mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or other techniques. Whether or not you have a personal practice or use an app-based program, being part of a community can help you deepen your connection to the practice and to yourself. No experience is necessary. Be curious about your ability to focus, and join us to learn how to take a breath and begin again when it wanders. Descriptions of each practice are in the schedule.

  • Core.

    Core strength is essential. This is true regardless of our activity level. Our core is the center of stability, posture, and breath. Although yoga classes generally enhance core strength, we offer core classes to hone in on the center of you. Core classes can be done on a mat or in a chair and are accessible to all.

  • Pop-Ups.

    We all need something fresh and new at times. Our pop-up classes are a chance to explore something not on our usual schedule. Maybe we’re thinking of offering a new class or we’ve heard you ask about a practice or technique that piqued your curiosity. Pop-ups are where we dig in to explore and we often take a bit more time to do so. (90 minutes)

  • Workshops.

    There are practices that simply take more time or depth to bring to you. Our workshops are special events that offer a deeper experience. We work with teachers and providers with expertise and wisdom to bring you longer, interactive learning opportunities. We workshop together—come with questions and a open mind!

We have mats and props for you to use or purchase at the studio.